The article here [LINK] shows a picture of Taser's "Protector" running on an Apple iPhone.
Thing is, I had assumed that they meant various semi-smart phones, obviously (?) excluding the iPhone.
I've not seen any 3rd party iPhone apps that have ever been permitted, by Apple, to have that much control and 'root kit' like access to the iPhone such that it would be able to perform the functions being advertised.
For example, iPhone apps, excluding Apple's own, can be deleted. Or the iPhone could be 'Restored' using iTunes to its original software configuration. Or the Safari browser can access any number of webmail services.
Apple is going to approve an iPhone app to lock out every possible bypass and or deletion method??!!?? Why does my BS detector go off at this point?
Either they're in bed with Apple (I believe that Steve Jobs has better taste), or perhaps someone is engaging in a bit of pump-and-dump.